Everyone Matters...
and Matters

A Reception - Year 6 Catholic Primary School

School Tours and Enrolment Process

School Tours

One of the best ways to get a feel for our school community is to come and see it with your child.  Our students and staff enjoy sharing what they are learning and achieving.

On the tour our Principal, Anthony Garton will answer your questions, discuss the quality learning programs and showcase our outstanding facilities.

Touring the school while the students and educators are teaching and learning together provides a great insight into how we can work in partnership with you and your child. If regular school hours are challenging to commit to that's fine. Please contact us and we can arrange a tour after school or on one of the Saturdays outlined below.

At the conclusion of your tour you will be provided with a prospectus that contains further information for your consideration and an enrolment form.

To book a tour simply click on the 'book a tour' button at the top of the page or call us on  8325 4500.  Our friendly staff look forward to confirming a tour time for you and your family.

You are welcome to join us for one of our upcoming tours below:

Term 1

Wednesday 19th February 9.30am

Saturday 22nd February 9.30am

Wednesday 12th March 9.30am

Saturday 15th March 9.30am

Term 2

Wednesday 28th May 9.30am

Saturday 31st May 9.30am

Wednesday 18th June 9.30am

Saturday 21st June 9.30am

Term 3

Wednesday 6th August 9.30am

Saturday 9th August 9.30am

Wednesday 10th September 9.30am

Saturday 13th September 9.30am

Term 4

Wednesday 5th November 9.30am

Saturday 8th November 9.30am

Enrolment Process

Once lodging an enrolment form at the front office a time for an enrolment interview with the Principal, your child and yourselves. At the enrolment interview our Principal will meet with you and your child in an informal, relaxed setting so that your questions can be answered and we can begin to get to know your child.  Following a successful interview, a place will be offered to your child in writing and once we have received notification of your acceptance in writing a place will be guaranteed.

In the time leading up to your child commencing in Reception at Antonio, you will be offered a place in our Early Explorers Transition Program.  This assists both you and your child to successfully transition into the Antonio community.

For children already in school, upon a successful enrolment interview and acceptance, we will discuss a transition process to assist your child continuing their learning at Antonio.

To organise a school tour please contact the office on 8325 4500, or complete the Online Enquiry Form by clicking on the button at the base of this page.

We look forward to meeting you and sharing our exciting and dynamic learning community with you.

OSHC Mobile0419 866 581

8 Bains Rd, MORPHETT VALE SA 5162